Do transcript denials trigger bill payment?

February 21, 2017
  • AACRAO Connect
Wooden stamp of the word "denied" in red lettering.

EAB’s Enrollment Management Forum, in partnership with The New School, is studying the effects of transcript request denials on students and their degree aspirations. Do transcript denials accomplish the intended effect of triggering bill payment? To what degree do they also lead to the unintended consequence of preventing a student in financial distress from pursuing education closer to home or at a more affordable institution?

To complete this study we need you. Will your institution participate by sending data on transcript request denials? All data will be kept confidential and anonymous. Participating institutions will receive a customized institution-specific analysis in addition to the final, blinded, aggregate report.

Below are the data requested, for each student that submitted but was denied a transcript due to a financial hold. Partial datasets are welcome.

  •          Was the balance was paid following transcript denial (yes/no)
  •          The size of the unpaid balance
  •          Annual net price to student
  •          Estimated Family Contribution (EFC)
  •          G.P.A.
  •          Credit hours earned
  •          Is this a first-generation college student?
  •          For students who do not pay, do NSC data indicate they enrolled elsewhere (yes/no)?

Any data provided should be stripped of personally identifying information, including student ID numbers, names, and addresses. Please contact EAB at with data, questions, or concerns.


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