Data-based decision making and SEM planning

February 9, 2015
  • AACRAO Connect

An unprecedented amount of data is generated and collected every day—but the real information revolution comes when we can analyze and use that data.

“The big data revolution is that now we can do something with the data,” says Dr. Gary King, University Professor and Director of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University.

SEM & data-based decisions

Data-based decision making is a cornerstone of effective SEM planning. It can be used for:

  1. Benchmarking: How do you measure and think about financial aid discount rates and how do you compare to comparable institutions?
  2. Environmental Scanning: How are demographic trends likely to impact your institution over the next five and ten years?  Consider demographic phenomena like the “Echo Boom” (now past traditional higher education age), geographic population variations and regional economic outlooks. 
  3. Measuring and Assessing Enrollment:  Are you tracking key enrollment indicators beyond the one year retention of freshmen, entering student numbers, or gross graduation rate?  Getting at real answers requires multi year, multivariate data analysis. 

SEM-related data, both internal and external, is available and abundant. As King suggests, the real issue is how institutions use data to develop a SEM-based reporting and analytic strategy.  

External agencies and internal stakeholders are increasingly requesting that colleges and universities demonstrate they are meeting enrollment and retention goals. A reporting portfolio enables an institution to easily collect, analyze and present outcome data as required or requested by these entities. The evidence-based culture in which we live expects this of institutional leaders. 

SEM planning & implementation

At the 2014 SEM Conference, Dr. Tom Green, AACRAO’s Associate Executive Director of Consulting and SEM, shared his insights and perspectives on using big data and related SEM Core Concepts.   Highlights from his presentation are available in a summary report from the Executive Symposium. Dr. Green chronicled how definitions of SEM have changed over the last 20 years, both conceptually and from a process standpoint.  He also shared advice on how to implement a successful SEM initiative. 

According to Dr. Green, SEM is a way of thinking and acting strategically to advance the institutional mission. When SEM is implemented effectively, the institution lives out its vision and students live out theirs. SEM planning helps the institution focus its resources on those strategies and tactics that have the greatest potential to influence enrollment health and move the college or university towards its enrollment goals. 

Annual Meeting & SEM Conference 2015

AACRAO's 101st Annual Meeting offers a broad range of sessions and workshops covering the latest developments in data useage, including:

  • Mining Student Data in Search of "The Graduates"
  • Compliance and Institutional Research: Maintaining Relationships, Translating Data, and Effective Communication
  • Enrollment Management Marketing and New Media in the Era of Big Data
  • Data, Data, and More Data: A Business Intelligence Approach
  • And many, many more.

Also, please save the date for the 25th Annual Strategic Enrollment Management Conference taking place in Hollywood, Florida, November 1-4, 2015. 

And consider enhancing your professional expertise in SEM by enrolling in AACRAO's Endorsement Program (SEM-EP), which provides a well-defined career advancement track for SEM professionals.  Take advantage of this valuable career advancement opportunity.  For more information and to register, please visit the SEM-EP site.


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