Daily Recap at AACRAO's SEM Conference - Wednesday, November 4 (Day 4)

December 1, 2015
  • AACRAO Connect
People listening to a presenter speak in a lecture hall.

Managing Change: Adopting New Technologies for Recruitment

George Wolf, Vice President of Enrollment Management at Siena Heights University presented a session on managing change through the adoption of new technologies for enrollment management.

Wolf’s campus implemented an Enrollment Marketing Platform (EMP) and Retention Management System (RMS) to assist with recruitment and retention, and soon experienced increased results in both areas.

Wolf said it important for campuses to recognize the need for change. Once a campus has determined a need for change, he suggested the following next steps to establish a sense of urgency on campus and lead change:  

  • Gain executive support to access money and leverage

  • Identify key players (IT, marketing, admission staff, faculty)

  • Plan and organize (establish project team, plan and offer and ongoing training)

  • Sharing ease of use to increase efficiency (pre-determine quick wins for rank and file users, facilitate data analysis and access)

“We’ve seen an increase in retention by coordinating our efforts,” Wolf said, adding later in the presentation that his campus plans to continue using the new technology platforms to connect more deeply with students. “Now we are thinking about how do we get past the easy answers,” Wolf said.

AACRAO will offer a live free webinar on a similar topic, Stealing Retention: Dissecting Retention and Graduation Patterns of Stealth Applicants, Thursday, December 10, 2015  2:00 - 3:00 p.m. ET.  Click here for more information and to register.

Mentorship through the Generations

This session led by the enrollment team of Loma Linda University explored the various ways the mentor-mentee relationship has changed over the years and provided useful tips on how to get the most out of mentoring relationships. The presenters represented generations ranging from the Baby Boomers through millennials and identified the two overarching types of mentor-mentee interactions: natural and structured.
Interactions can arise naturally, as when the mentor and mentee spend long periods of time together at work, or through structured meetings in which the mentee arranges a set time to meet with her mentor.  Each presenter offered a perspective on how to be a mentor, how to be a mentee, and what mentees look for in a mentor.  

A common theme among the panel was that mentees desire mentors who have stature in their field and are admired.  Beyond that, there were differences.  For example, Gen X’ers prefer to have the relationship develop naturally before moving toward a more structured format.  Millennials feel more comfortable with a world that is concrete and clearly defined and prefer that the mentors drive the relationship.


A Different World: The Evolving Field of Enrollment Management

The 25th annual AACRAO SEM Conference closed on Wednesday with a presentation by Jim Montoya, Vice President of Higher Education and International at the College Board, titled “A Different World: The Evolving Field of Enrollment Management.”

“The power of education” is why we are all here at SEM,” Montoya said. “We must deepen our commitment to education and the students we serve. Education remains the surest, most permanent empowerment in our history.” 

Montoya acknowledged that higher education professionals face many challenges as they balance daily responsibilities with “big world” responsibilities. The forces shaping our “big world,” he said, include: migration, innovation, personalization, saturation, globalization, and transparency. 

“We have this day-to-day pressure,” Montoya said. “But we as leaders need to take advantage of our opportunities to be representatives of the big pictures of higher education and enrollment. Let’s think big.” 

He shared some emerging themes being discussed at the College Board to better serve students: 

  • Prepare (Assessment is not enough; ensure students enter higher education ready); 

  • Propel (Enable students to seize opportunities through direct-to-student interventions, partnerships and process improvements); 

  • Reach (Deep collaboration with higher education, K-12, and other partners is needed to get programs and services to students); and 

  • Thrive: (Invest in people and culture, and partner creatively to do more work for students). 

Montoya discussed the current pressures facing higher education professionals, including: cost and funding; completion and measures; volume and workload; data timelines and quality; enrollment and revenue; and enrollment in majors like humanities and STEM. He noted that the K-12 sector—an important partner in higher education—is also facing pressures, including: costs and funding; high turnover; an anti-testing climate; counselor ratios and job security; higher standards without tools; and student engagement.

Other key trends being discussed at the College Board are:  

  • Starting earlier and building;

  • Incorporating guidance and step-taking help that propels studnets along the process;

  • Removing unnecessary barriers;

  • Integrating admission and financial aid application and feedback; and

  • Creating common, portable data elements and platforms.

Montoya concluded by sharing the increasing numbers of people participating in higher education. In 1960, 13 million people participated in higher education; in 1995, 82 million participated, and in 2010, 178 million participated.

“In 2025, that number will grow to 262 million,” he said. “We are right in the middle of something that is great,” Montoya said. “It will require the best we have to offer. And I know that you will give it your best knowing that we are indeed setting the stage for the future.”

AACRAO’s Certification Program

SEM-EP is the premier professional development program and career advancement track for enrollment service professionals. Participants engage in a rigorous and stimulating curriculum taught by SEM leaders. AACRAO recognizes graduates with the formal "SEM-EP" designation, indicating a readiness to meet current and future challenges in the field of Enrollment Management.  For more information regarding the program and registration, please visit our AACRAO SEM-EP site.


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