Credit for prior learning: Free webinar series

July 14, 2015
  • AACRAO Connect
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The Adult College Completion (ACC) Network is partnering with ACE and AACRAO to host a free webinar series on implementing credit for prior learning (CPL) at the institutional level.  The ACC Network is facilitated by the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE).  

The two-part webinar will take place on July 23rd and July 30th.  

  • Part I: Integrating CPL into Institutional Culture
    Thursday, July 23 | 3:00 PM ET

    The first webinar will focus on building support for CPL among key stakeholders. Mary Beth Lakin, Director of College and University Partnerships for ACE, will lead a discussion with practitioners on the critical elements of successfully incorporating CPL into institutional and system-wide culture.

    Mary Beth Lakin, director, college and university partnerships, American Council on Education

    Brett Visger, associate vice chancellor, institutional collaboration & completion, Ohio Board of Regents
    Noreen Light, associate director, academic affairs and policy, Washington Student Achievement Council
    Myrna Gantner, associate vice president for academic affairs and associate professor of educational leadership, University of West Georgia

    Register for the webinar series here.


  • Part II: The Role of Registrars
    Thursday, July 30 | 3:00 PM ET

The second webinar will examine how credit for prior learning (CPL) can be translated onto transcripts, as well as CPL’s implications for credit transfer. Presenters will discuss specific processes, challenges, and solutions related to transcripting and transferring CPL.

Mike Reilly, executive director, American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers

Dr. Pamela Luckett, associate dean, regional administration, Barry University
Joellen Shendy, associate vice provost & registrar, University of Maryland University College
Kelly Brooks, registrar, Capella University

Register for the webinar series here.



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