It is not too early to make plans to attend AACRAO’s 101st Annual Meeting, April 12-15, 2015, at the Baltimore Convention Center. The Annual Meeting Program Committee has worked diligently to plan four exciting days of workshops, sessions, plenaries, and networking opportunities. Registration is open and reservations may also be made at our host hotels.
Opening and Closing Presenters: Scott Simon and Madeleine Albright
Writer, novelist, and NPR and PBS Host Scott Simon will open the meeting with lessons learned from his stories and interviews. He is the author of the novels Pretty Birds and Windy City and the memoirs Baby, We Were Meant for Each Other and Home and Away: Memoir of a Fan, as well as the non-fiction book Jackie Robinson and the Integration of Baseball. Simon has received numerous reporting awards, including Peabody, Directors Guild, and Emmy awards.
Madeleine K. Albright is currently chair of Albright Stonebridge Group, a global strategy firm, and chair of Albright Capital Management LLC, an investment advisory firm focused on emerging markets. Albright was the 64th Secretary of State of the United States. In 1997, she was named the first female Secretary of State and became, at that time, the highest ranking woman in the history of the U.S. government. Albright will deliver the closing plenary and share her perspective on the current state of world affairs.
Thank you to National Student Clearinghouse for sponsoring the opening and closing speakers.
Baltimore is the Place to Be
It has come to our attention that AACRAO’s 2015 Annual Meeting and Ellucian Live’s dates (April 12-15) will overlap. We are aware that this has caused concern for many of our members. AACRAO’s meeting sites are selected five years in advance, and we discovered about 18 months ago that spring break along the east coast was scheduled at the same time as we were originally planning our meeting. Since a large number of institutions are within close proximity of Baltimore, we rescheduled the meeting to accommodate our membership.
Ellucian has been a long-time AACRAO member and supporter, and we did not intend to create a conflict with their event. Unfortunately, the only available dates for the city of Baltimore to accommodate our group coincides with Ellucian Live. We understand that both are important events for many of our members to attend. Take time to view our meeting at a glance, featured speakers, and programmatic offerings and please consider joining us in Baltimore!