College & University Journal announces new editor-in-chief

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von Munkwitz Smith and Tremblay headshots

Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith, College and University Journal (C&Ueditor-in-chief since August 2014,  will retire from his position this spring. Dr. Christopher Tremblay will take over the position this summer. 

“It's been an honor to serve as C&U's editor-in-chief for 22 issues,” von Munkwitz-Smith said. “It was a pleasure to work with everyone who contributed to the journal: the authors who submitted articles, the C&U Editorial Board, and C&U's Managing Editor, Heather Zimar.”

Von Munkwitz-Smith retired from Boston University in 2015 where he was assistant vice president and university registrar. He is a past president of AACRAO and is currently a senior consultant with AACRAO Consulting. He earned a PhD in South Asian Languages from the University of Minnesota. Under von Munkwitz-Smith’s leadership, C&U increased the size and diversity of its editorial board, and strengthened outreach to authors across the profession.

“Among the highlights for me,” von Munkwitz-Smith said, “were the series of articles that became the book, ‘Mentorship in Higher Education: Practical Advice and Leadership Theories,’ the on-going series of interviews with leaders in higher education and AACRAO, and the re-printing of older articles that still hold value today, such as Lotus Delta Coffman's ‘The Registrar: A Profession,’ from 1926.” 

After a search this winter, AACRAO chose Tremblay to be the next editor. A long-time contributor to C&U and member of the journal’s editorial board, he also has an extensive background in higher education. His first issue will be Vol. 95, Issue 3, which will release in summer 2020. 

“Ever since AACRAO published my first piece in C&U in 2006, I have been impressed with the quality and content of the journal," Tremblay said. “I am honored to follow in Jeff's footsteps and assume leadership of this important publication in our field.”

Tremblay is Director of Strategic Engagement for the Michigan College Access Network (MCAN) and directs the Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) Endorsement Program for AACRAO. He also has served on AACRAO’s Research Advisory Board and the SEM Advisory Group. He was a Research and Marketing Consultant for Michigan State University Gifted and Talented Education (GATE). 

Tremblay has nearly 25 years of experience in college admissions and enrollment management. He is a former Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management at the University of Wisconsin-Superior. Previously he served as Associate Provost for Enrollment Management at Western Michigan University. Prior to that, he served as Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management, Executive Director of Enrollment Management, and Director of Admissions and Orientation at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. He has also worked as Director of Admissions at Gannon University. 

Tremblay earned both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Western Michigan University. He has a post master’s certificate in enrollment management from Capella University and doctorate of education in educational leadership from the University of Michigan-Dearborn. 

In addition to writing for AACRAO’s C&U and SEM Quarterly, Tremblay has published articles in the Journal of College Admission, Journal of College Orientation and Transition, and the Journal of Intergroup Relations. He also serves as co-founder and co-editor of the Journal of College Access

“I look forward to taking C&U to the next level and continuing my contributions in service to AACRAO members,” Tremblay said. 

Von Munkwitz-Smith added: “I'm excited that Christopher will be taking over; C&U is in good hands!”


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