Are you looking to get more involved in AACRAO or thinking of how to contribute to the profession? One of the easiest ways to get involved is to make a presentation at one of our meetings. AACRAO offers three conferences during the year: Annual Meeting, Technology & Transfer Conference, and Strategic Enrollment Management Conference. Not only can you share your knowledge and experiences, your contribution ensures the overall success of our meeting programming.
Over the past century, AACRAO has earned the reputation for being a primary resource on student admissions, academic records, international education, and enrollment management. This is due in no small part to our members and their commitment to sharing their knowledge and work experiences at our meetings. We invite you to submit a workshop, roundtable topic, session or poster proposal that illustrates innovative or practical steps you have taken on your campus to improve higher education.
Why present a session?
Presenting is a unique professional development opportunity that allows you to:
1. Contribute to and learn about the most recent advances in your field.
2. Advocate for your profession.
3. Provide a focus for your research.
4. Hone your presentation skills.
5. Develop professional contacts.
6. Register at a discounted rate.
Contribute to this Year’s Meeting: Submit Your Session Proposal.
View guidelines for each meeting below.