Avoiding the Service Jam: Driving Student Satisfaction and Retention

February 17, 2025
  • Collaborative Decision-Making
  • Records and Academic Services
  • Retention
  • Student Success
  • collaboration
  • Retention
  • Student Services
Cutouts of many people made with different color paper.

By Tara Kent, Ph.D. Registrar, Wagner College

I live in New York City, and owning a car feels more like a luxury than a necessity. The city is built around public transportation, which is practically its lifeblood. Owning a car in the city means being a customer to countless stakeholders—to the tolls, paying to go through tunnels and over bridges just to leave and return to the island, or parking garages when we want to avoid the hassle of moving our car for street cleaning. Simply put, car owners are customers because we must be if we want the convenience of a vehicle. 

In higher education, whether you like the term “customer” or not, students are the institution's lifeblood. Unlike New York City drivers, though, they aren’t stuck with just one option. They’re operating in a competitive market, free to choose where they learn. Educational institutions have plenty of stakeholders, but students are the primary customers. Keeping students satisfied and earning their loyalty is key to staying competitive and thriving in the market. This begins with understanding what truly drives their loyalty and satisfaction, especially when delivering quality service.

Service Categories Impacting Student Satisfaction and Loyalty

Researchers introduced a theoretical framework identifying two categories of services that influence student satisfaction and loyalty, according to a 2020 study to understand students’ perception of quality service. Each category operates under its own set of policies, and together, these service bundles play a crucial role in shaping student satisfaction and loyalty.

  1. Academic services encompass teaching, curriculum, learning resources, instructional practices, library facilities, lab facilities, and assessment methods. 
  2. Administrative services include registration, dining services, student welfare, housing, transportation, recreational facilities, and support services. 

Academic Services and Their Impact on Satisfaction and Loyalty

A professor's teaching ability is vital to student satisfaction and loyalty. I recall a political science professor who, the week before finals, briefly mentioned topics for the exam and said, "The final will cover Chapter 36." To our surprise, there was no Chapter 36, leaving us frustrated and doubtful about passing the course. Trust in a professor goes beyond teaching ability—it's about their knowledge, engagement, and consistency. When students trust their professors to be honest and clear, they are more confident and loyal to the course and institution. 

Academic advising and support are key to student satisfaction. Advisors must offer accurate, clear, and fair guidance and ensure assessments align with student expectations. Misleading advice or withholding resources, especially about graduation requirements, can erode trust. Reliable advising fosters student loyalty. Fair and transparent assessments are essential, providing students with a clear understanding of expectations and performance standards. Additionally, institutional facilities—modern technology, clean spaces, and a well-equipped library—enhance the student experience and encourage engagement.

Administrative Services and Their Role in Satisfaction and Loyalty

Each semester, registrars face the challenge of making the registration process smooth for students. While hiccups may occur, maintaining clear communication is key to managing expectations. Addressing issues directly, rather than ignoring them, leads to higher student satisfaction. 

Food is crucial, especially for budget-conscious college students. Regularly checking in and listening to their dining concerns shows you’re invested in improving their experience. Similarly, living conditions should meet basic standards, including cleanliness, roommate compatibility, and safety. Listening to students and addressing their needs fosters satisfaction and loyalty. 

Student life also plays a critical role in ensuring extracurricular activities and opportunities for relaxation outside of academics are available, strengthening their connection to the institution. Open dialogue and visible support can significantly enhance student satisfaction and loyalty.

Institutional Policies

Being student-centered and offering quality service doesn’t mean compromising on defined institutional policies. Academic and administrative policies exist to protect students, the institution, and its employees. Student satisfaction can still thrive when these policies are clear, fair, and consistently enforced. It's about transparency and making sure students understand the reasoning behind the rules. When students see policies as just and reasonable, they are more likely to respect and comply with them, leading to a more positive experience overall.

From Cars to Campuses

We started this discussion with the example of New Yorkers owning a vehicle and the reality that, like it or not, they’re customers with no recourse for poor service due to a lack of competition. Similarly, institutions working to meet enrollment and retention goals must focus on maintaining student satisfaction and loyalty. Institutions can’t adopt the “it’s not my problem” mindset, as adopted by a parking attendant in NYC when I went to retrieve my car, blocked by another vehicle whose owner forgot to leave the key. 

Every stakeholder in academic and administrative services must see students’ problems as their own. They must work together to provide quality service that leads to higher satisfaction and loyalty. This, in turn, drives retention and sparks word-of-mouth promotion as students share their positive experiences with others.

In the end, academic and administrative services are interconnected, and together, they shape the student experience. Clear communication, reliable advising, fair policies, and accessible resources are key to creating a supportive environment. When these services align, students feel valued, which boosts their satisfaction and loyalty. It’s not just about meeting their needs but about fostering a relationship built on trust and respect. When students see the institution working in their best interest, they become more engaged, loyal, and committed to their academic journey.


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