On Monday morning, almost 900 people gathered in the Grand Ballroom of the Chicago Hilton to join the opening plenary session of AACRAO’s 23rd Annual SEM Conference. After SEM Conference Director WIlliam Serrata and Executive Director Mike Reilly delivered their welcoming remarks, a distinguished panel consisting of President Stan Jones of Complete College America, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Dr. Tristan Denley of the Tennessee Board of Regents and President Elaine Maimon of Governors State University discussed initiatives proven to improve graduation and student success rates.
Using #aacrao, some attendees were able to achieve another level of conversation online by live-tweeting their quotes, thoughts and reactions to sessions and events at the SEM Conference.
Here are some key responses from the AACRAO opening plenary, “The Game Changers”:
#aacrao #aacraosem plenary panel intro #highered pic.twitter.com/0PSI7Fjg2N
— Melanie Gottlieb (@melgott) November 11, 2013
Stan Jones #AACRAO...we've done a great job getting underrepresented students into college, but we haven't been successful graduating them
— Dave Jarrat (@djarrat) November 11, 2013
Getting the figures of SEM in a beautiful room. #aacrao pic.twitter.com/SNxQihSf4A
— Ryan O'Connell (@higheredryan) November 11, 2013
#AACRAO @tdenley...we all have plenty of data. It's a matter of what you do with it.
— Dave Jarrat (@djarrat) November 11, 2013
"Choice Architecture" is the flavor of the conference. Helping students navigate a successful journey. #aacrao
— Ryan O'Connell (@higheredryan) November 11, 2013
Stan Jones #AACRAO...intrusive advising is an essential component of student success
— Dave Jarrat (@djarrat) November 11, 2013
Some good stuff on completion but nothing on importance of HS prep. We can't give up on that! Higher Ed has to tell truth. #aacrao
— Pam Horne (@empam) November 11, 2013
Students who complete the associate degree complete the bachelor's at a higher rate than those who transfer w/o completing #aacrao
— Ryan O'Connell (@higheredryan) November 11, 2013
How do we ensure the right courses are available at the right time? Data driven curricular planning. #aacrao
— Susan Leigh (@sleigh1206) November 11, 2013
Learning a lot at my 1st #aacrao SEM conference. Great presentations!
— JenniferOBrienKnotts (@LehighJenOBrien) November 11, 2013
Please continue to share your conference experiences on Twitter and Facebook!