At least two states already practice free community college tuition policies and more states are considering how they may implement a free program for their community college students. These programs are likely to create strong increases in community college enrollments and increases in students seeking to transfer those credits to other institutions.
Many two-year and four-year institutions are not prepared for large-scale transfer partnerships, or have aligned credit transfer with their main feeder two-year institutions. Articulation agreements are only the starting point for creating effective degree pathways for students and institutional partnerships.
What are the common pitfalls of transfer policies and practices, student-centric degree partnership programs, reverse transfer policies, robust self-service online credit evaluation, joint curriculum design, and when updating or streamlining your transfer admission policy?
Join AACRAO Consultants Dr. Tom Green and Michele Sandlin as they discuss these issues at their session What would free community college mean for your transfer policies? at AACRAO’s Technology and Transfer Conference, July 12 – 14, 2015, in Austin, TX. For more information, contact