Are you ready for the next step in your career?

October 29, 2018
  • Competencies
  • Meetings, Workshops, and Trainings
  • Professional Development and Contributions to the Field
  • SEM Conference
  • Career Navigator
  • career paths
empty office chair with a sign saying "SEM Professional" and dozens of cartoon hands holding out resumes

Higher education can expect more than 2,100 SEM vacancies by 2021, according to AACRAO's 2018 Registrar Career Profile Report. As your professional development association, we know it is more important than ever to prepare you to fill these vacancies.

The 2018 SEM Conference in Washington, DC, is adding career planning opportunities to help attendees navigate their way to the next steps in their career. The conference features:

  • The Career Connection Lounge with search firms onsite looking to meet attendees and match them with the appropriate career opportunities;
  • Career Planning track with sessions dedicated to the search for a Chief Enrollment Management Officer (CEMO);
  • Networking opportunities where attendees can socialize with industry leaders and learn more about the only enrollment management endorsement program; as well as
    A panel discussion where attendees will learn best practices of the search firm process

This is your opportunity to lay out a plan for the next steps in your career. Learn more about Career Planning at the SEM Conference.


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.