AACRAO website survey now available

February 10, 2014
  • AACRAO Connect

The AACRAO website’s look and functionality were redesigned last October, as many of you are aware. While the national office has received some feedback since that change, we are eager to find out more specific information – what are we doing well? What needs improvement? Please take a moment to take our website survey so we can figure out how to make the site work for you. 

Aesthetic improvements are important, but our ultimate goal is to design a website that helps our members and non-members find what their looking for. Whether you use the site for professional content and practice, information about webinars or meetings, or another specific topic, please let us know if you're able to easily find what you need. 

If you do not have time to take the survey, we would appreciate your feedback via email. Just send a line to connect@aacrao.org.


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.