AACRAO takes a stance on 7 key policy issues

August 27, 2013
  • AACRAO Connect
  • Compliance and Reporting

AACRAO presidentUpdate from AACRAO President Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith

At its February meeting the Board of Directors approved the 2013 AACRAO Advocacy and Education Agenda.

The Agenda presents a framework for AACRAO's involvement in the public policy arena.  It outlines major issues impacting AACRAO members in seven areas:

• Federal funding of higher education

• Accountability and program integrity

• Curricular alignment between higher education and K-12

• Privacy and data

• Access and equal opportunity

• Veterans' issues

• Immigration policy

As the document states, AACRAO “supports policies and practices that advance access to post-secondary education for students from all socio-economic and ethnic backgrounds, while also strongly asserting the primacy of each institution of higher education in defining its mission and governing itself in order to best serve the pursuit and promotion of learning.”

The Agenda was developed by the AACRAO Public Policy and Advocacy Committee, led by Bill DeWolf, from Emerson College, with the assistance of the AACRAO Public Policy staff and with input from the membership.

I want to publicly thank Bill, the committee, AACRAO staff, and members who contributed to the document. It was the product of considerable discussion and debate. It reflects our position on many issues facing higher education in the coming years. I encourage you to review the document here.

Note: AACRAO is non-partisan, neither favoring nor opposing political candidates or political parties. It does not participate in fundraising for candidates or political parties, participate in any candidate’s campaign, nor share contact information of its members with any political party or candidate.


 By: AACRAO Connect



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