AACRAO President Adrienne McDay's Annual Meeting Address

August 23, 2013
  • AACRAO Connect

Below is the full text of AACRAO President Adrienne McDay's Annual Meeting address.

Good morning colleagues! It is my pleasure to present the presidential plaque to Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith in recognition of his exemplary service as President for 2012-2013. 

Indeed it is an honor and a privilege to have been selected and elected to serve as AACRAO’s president. I would like thank the administration and staffs at the institutions I have worked at—National-Louis University and William Rainey Harper College—and especially Maria Moten, Dean of Enrollment/Assistant Provost at the latter—for their cooperation and support during my years of involvement and service. 

When I began my career in higher education in the late seventies, professional development was one of the priorities of the Registrar—and IACRAO and AACRAO was the pathway. Now I believe I have come full circle. As I started my path in AACRAO, I was led by the phenomenal Ruth Jass from Bradley University—a past president of Illinois AACRAO and past president of AACRAO. I am not only standing on Ruth’s shoulders, but all the past presidents and the many mentors who have shaped, molded, threatened and led me to leadership by way of “followship.” Thank you to all of them. 

As the board continues to focus on setting the strategic direction of the association and assessing the outcomes, I look forward to the year ahead, which will include efforts to:

• Establish core competencies for each of the professions within AACRAO. 
• Explore and expand on the admissions task force work to better serve that profession. 
• Engage young professionals and add opportunities for full-time students to be members of AACRAO. 
• Develop relationships with other higher education associations and ministries in order to further student data portability and better serve members. 

AACRAO needs you! Become involved, provide your insights and make our association even better. Remember: this is our association—and with member support and the board’s commitment, we can provide higher education professionals even more opportunities for success. I look to working with you and I thank you for your support!



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