AACRAO introduces the "60 Second Survey"

June 17, 2014
  • AACRAO Connect
  • Technology

Starting in June 2014, AACRAO will introduce a new way to capture snapshots of institutional practices and/or policy.  We are calling this new approach our “60 Second Survey” because each will require 60 seconds or less to complete.  It is our intent to release a 60 Second Survey at least every other month.  Rather than sending each survey to all members, we will select a rotating sample population for each survey.  Topics for these brief surveys will come from our membership and hot topics in the news.  The first topic was suggested by a member and it will update our 2004 understanding of the use of plus/minus grades. 

These surveys will be delivered from our survey platform with the return email address of research@aacrao.org and a subject line of “AACRAO 60 Second Survey – (topic).”  If you have an idea for the 60 Second Survey, please send it to research@aacrao.org.  If your suggestion is selected, you will receive a 25% off AACRAO book voucher.  We look forward to a high response rate and the ability to quickly release institutional practice and policy snapshots of interest to our members.


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