Is your institution fully deploying available technology?

April 26, 2019
  • AACRAO Consulting
magnifying glass with red lens is on top of a blue computer chip background by Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith, PhD, Senior Consultant, AACRAO Consulting

Sometimes when I’ve been on a campus for a consulting engagement, someone, usually the Provost, will ask me if the institution is using its SIS effectively, if there are system functions that aren’t being employed, or if there are software tools they should consider. These questions usually aren’t part of my formal scope of work, but I typically can provide a quick surface-level analysis. (Hint: Institutions often aren’t using all of the delivered functionality in their SIS and there often are pieces of software that can be bolted on to the SIS to solve some specific problems, such as Catalog management.) 

If a deeper analysis is desired, AACRAO Consulting offers an Electronic Records and Automation Review as a service. These reviews examine gaps in technology and include recommendations on how to move toward a fully electronic, automated process for managing records. AACRAO consultants can advise on implementation of electronic transcript delivery and receipt, improvement in records management policies and processes, and identify roadblocks to timely response to student requests for transcript and information requests.

I recently returned from the 2019 AACRAO Annual Meeting. Besides catching up with old friends and attending best practices sessions, I always spend time in the Exhibit Hall talking with vendors about their products, finding out what’s new in the marketplace and learning about recent and forthcoming enhancements. You can sometimes learn about software features you didn’t know you had!

For more information on AACRAO Consulting and/or the Electronic Records and Automation Review, see, or contact us at



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