AACRAO congratulates the 2015 Baden-Württemberg Seminar participants

July 28, 2015
  • AACRAO Connect
Group photo of the 2014 BW Seminar group in front of Schwetzingen Castle.

Pictured: 2014 Baden-Württemberg Seminar participants

Each fall, thanks to the generosity of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK), North American higher education professionals have the opportunity to apply to be chosen for the prestigious B-W Seminar.

The seminar focuses on the German educational system, German-American academic equivalencies and student exchange between Germany and the U.S. Lectures and discussions are complemented by visits to primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions.

AACRAO would like to congratulate the selected participants in the 2015 Baden-Württemberg Seminar!

AYLMER, Juliet        California State University Northridge (CA) Study Abroad Advisor

BAMBUROWSKI, David      Georgia Institute of Technology (GA)            Director of Graduate Studies

DERVIN, Alice          Principia College (IL) Registrar

GREENE, Kirsten      San Francisco State University (CA) International Exchange Coordinator

GRIFFIN, Polly          Princeton University (NJ)      University Registrar

HARRISON, Anna     Duquesne University (PA)     Assistant Director International Admissions

KUROIWA-LEWIS, Hiro      Pacific Lutheran University (WA)            Director International Admission

MABERY, Amy         University of North Carolina Wilmington (NC)            Assistant Director International Student Services

SEVIGNY, Joseph      IES Abroad (IL)          Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management

VANDER PLOEG, Daniel     University of Arizona (AZ)    Study Abroad Coordinator

WARNER, Donna      Western Connecticut State University (CT)            International Services Coordinator

WELKER, Susan        Montana State University (MT)         Study Abroad Manager

WILLIAMS, Jane Ann           University of Central Arkansas (AR)            Associate Vice President and Associate Vice Provost of Globalization and Enrollment Services

B-W Participant feedback

2014 seminar participant Mike Burke (Registrar, Harvard University) had this to say:

"The most valuable thing about the BW seminar, professionally speaking, was gaining a deep understanding of the German educational system. I’d spent years working in international admissions and registration with only a rudimentary grasp of this. Personally speaking, making such wonderful connections with the other participants, and especially our hosts in Germany, was a priceless and unexpected benefit of the experience."

And Brianne Meagher (Transfer and Curriculum Analyst, University of Richmond), who was also on the 2014 seminar, reported that she enjoyed:

"…learning about the education system and visiting the different types of schools. We actually revised our policy on awarding advanced credit for the Abitur after the very informative presentation at the Education University [Pädagogische Hochschule] about the primary and secondary school system in Germany and the changes it's undergone in the last decade."

Interested in applying for the 2016 seminar? Check AACRAO’s web site in early 2016 for information (http://ies.aacrao.org/training/baden.php).


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