In October 2013 AACRAO revitalized the research agenda by hiring a Director of Research, Dr. Wendy Kilgore. Wendy stated that she and AACRAO leadership set out to establish a research arm to “Provide practice insights to our members to help them lead their institutions as well as contribute to a better understanding of the factors and conditions that impact higher education.”
In the nearly two years since, research has focused mainly on building practice and career profile benchmarks
. Near future objectives include practice case studies and building a member facing resource for practice benchmarking. The early efforts have been well-received by the membership.
“Surveys that help us benchmark are a notable and welcome addition to the service AACRAO provides," lauded one registrar. "Keep it up!”
AACRAO is initiating a new advisory board designed to provide input and expertise for AACRAO research initiatives. If you are interested in learning more about this advisory board and possibly volunteering as a member please see the advisory board charter (hyperlink) for more information. Applications are being accepted through August 21, 2015. We look forward to forming a vibrant, active group that will help AACRAO advance its research agenda.
Members who are interested in being part of the advisory board should submit a letter of interest to the Director of Research, Wendy Kilgore Applications will be evaluated and board members selected by the AACRAO leadership team.
The letter of interest should include the following information:
- Name
- Title
- Institution
- Country
- State/Province
- Phone
- Email
- Primary area of expertise (please list only one): Registrar, Enrollment management, Academic administration, Admissions, Advising, Institutional research, or Other (please specify)
- Statement of interest in Research Advisory Board membership
- Statement of availability: "I agree that if I am selected for the research advisory board I am available and willing to do meet the conditions of service delineated in the AACRAO Research Advisory Board Charter."