AACRAO call for Public Policy Advisory Group members

August 9, 2016
  • AACRAO Connect
  • Advocacy
Group of hands raised in the air with the word "volunteer" appearing above the hands.

In an effort to more actively engage members with public policy issues affecting their professions, the students they serve, and higher education as a whole, AACRAO is seeking new members for the Public Policy Advisory Group.

The group provides an essential practitioner perspective on emerging legislation and public policy matters and serves as a practical resource to AACRAO’s Executive Director and Government Relations staff as they craft responses to proposed legislation or regulation. Areas of expertise may include admissions, enrollment services, financial aid, access and equity, serving veterans and servicemembers, community colleges, graduate and professional education, competency based education, credit for prior learning, and others.

“Having an involved and active Public Policy Advisory Group is critical to our understanding of and influence on relevant issues,” said AACRAO’s Associate Director of Government Relations Michelle Mott.

We look forward to forming a dynamic, engaged group that will help the association respond to emerging legislation and regulation and keep the membership informed. Applications are being accepted through September 15, 2016. Members who are interested in being part of the Advisory Group should submit a letter of interest to Michelle Mott.

The letter of interest should include the following information

  • Name

  • Title

  • Institution

  • Country

  • State/Province

  • Phone

  • Email

  • Primary professional area (registrar, admissions, etc.) and areas of subject matter or policy expertise.

  • Brief statement of interest in the AACRAO Public Policy Advisory Group

The Advisory Group will consist of 8-12 AACRAO members selected based on their areas of expertise and type of institution and will be representative of the regional, gender, and ethnic diversity of the association. Members will be appointed for a three-year term.


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.