AACRAO appoints task force on program structure

October 23, 2013
  • AACRAO Connect

At its June meeting the AACRAO Board of Directors appointed a task force to develop and recommend to the Board a structure for the programs of the Association to ensure continued success and allow for future growth while addressing the complexity of the offerings, supporting the management of those offerings, and providing a sustainable model for the evaluation and development of programming.

The Board asked the Task Force to consider and respond to several questions:

ÿ╗What structure best serves AACRAO to enable it to provide needed content and services through program activities?

ÿ╗What are the respective roles of member volunteers and AACRAO staff?

ÿ╗What is the most effective relationship between the program committee and the directors of AACRAO offerings outside of the annual meeting?

ÿ╗┬ÅIs there sufficient coordination and communication among staff, volunteers, and program coordinators to promote a comprehensive set of program offerings?

Do the leaders of the groups and chairs of committees have enough direction and authority to manage AACRAO program offerings?

The answers to these questions will inform further work by the Board and the national office as they plan offerings and evaluate the program structure of AACRAO.

It is not expected that the task force will undertake a restructuring of the program activities committees (PACs) of the Association, nor is it expected that this group will recommend changes in the work of the AACRAO national office.

The group is co-chaired by Meredith Braz (Dartmouth College) and Reta Pikowsky (Georgia Institute of Technology). Other members are Tammy Aagard (University of Florida), Tim Amyx (Volunteer State Community College), Julia Funaki (AACRAO), Pam Horne (Purdue University), Paul Kyle (Johnson County Community College), Sallie Marchello, (College of William and Mary), Lee Melvin (Cornell University), James Miller (University of San Francisco), Jayne Niemi (Macalester College), Julia Pomerenk (Washington State University), Kimra Schipporeit (University of Nebraska Kearney), Luke Schultheis (Virginia Commonwealth University), Linda Smith (AACRAO Consultant).

The task force will solicit input broadly and report on its progress to the membership.

Jeff von Munkwitz-Smith
Past President


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