Not all those who wander are lost. - J.R.R. Tolkien
Each fall, thanks to the generosity of the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK), north American higher education professionals have the opportunity to apply to be chosen for the prestigious B-W Seminar. The seminar focuses on the German educational system, German-American academic equivalencies and student exchange between Germany and the U.S. Lectures and discussions are complemented by visits to primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions.
In-country lodging, excursions, and most meals are covered by the MWK, while participants are responsible for their transportation to and from Freiburg, Germany. All skill levels are encouraged to apply, although generally preference has been given to those who have been in the field for several years. German-language ability is appreciated but not required.
Travel can be a benefit to one’s career. Think about it:
- International exploration provides you with the opportunity to gain new inspiration.
- Traveling gives you time to rest and refresh.
- When you travel long distances, you’re prompted to see the bigger picture.
- The exposure to new cultures through traveling teaches you new values and perspectives.
- You’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet new people.
Please apply for the 2016 Baden-Württemberg Seminar by Friday, June 10.
If you have questions, email