4 strategies for deepening mentoring relationships

June 26, 2017
  • AACRAO Connect
Two females work together over a computer.

In the latest issue of C&U Journal, Marlo Waters, registrar at Pacific Union College, offers four strategies for deepening mentoring relationships:

  • ask and answer difficult questions;

  • seek accountability;

  • make room for failure; and

  • allow personal decisions.

Providing candid examples and reflection, Waters said incorporating these strategies into mentoring relationships has resulted in her own personal and professional growth.  

“These four strategies can be painful and challenging to implement, but the payoff can be significant,” she said.  

Last fall, C&U began a multi-issue series on the topic of mentoring. Waters’ article is one of three on mentoring in the current issue. The others are: “Using Mentoring to Encourage Others (and Ourselves),” by Julia Pomerenk Heather Chermak and “The Power of Many: Mentoring Networks for Growth and Development,” by Lynn Wild, Anne Marie Canale and Cheryl Herdklotz.

For more information about the mentoring series, or to contribute an article, please contact C&U Managing Editor Heather Zimar at heatherz@aacrao.org.


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