3 ways to make the most of a new job

January 28, 2014
  • AACRAO Annual Meeting
  • AACRAO Connect

The transition to a new job can be a time of stress—but also a time of pride. You may be challenged to learn new skills, understand specialized software, integrate into an office and mesh with new personalities. On the other hand, your work can also help you develop a sense of purpose and discover what you have to offer. 


To set a foundation for professional success, try these expert tips:

  1. Build strong relationships with colleagues and supervisors. Let them know they can trust you by pitching in when help is needed and meeting your commitments. Be friendly; go out for coffee or lunch to get to know those you’re working with—but avoid joining in with those who tend be negative or complain a lot.
  2. Create a professional development plan. Know your career goals. Then explore what further learning you can do to reach them. Are there degrees, courses or certifications you need to obtain? Join regional and national associations and find potential mentors who have the kind of career you aspire to. Ask managers, human resources folks and mentors what steps you can take to reach your goals.
  3. Distinguish yourself. What unique skills do you offer? How can you be innovative or creative? What special project can you take on? Once you’ve found your niche, share that experience with others at the AACRAO Annual Meeting, which offers an excellent opportunity to pursue all three of these recommendations.

To support new and aspiring professionals in enrollment and academic services fields, AACRAO offers the Conner Scholarship. This scholarship can be used to defray expenses associated with attending and presenting at an AACRAO meeting.  To learn more about how to apply, click here. And to register for AACRAO’s 100th Annual Meeting in Denver, CO, click here.

To explore job opportunities in your field, check out the AACRAO resource Jobs Online.


AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter is open to members and non-members alike.