3 reasons to attend Upper Midwest ACRAO's Annual Conference

August 25, 2015
  • AACRAO Connect
Room full of adults paying attention to a speaker at the front.

Why do YOU attend your state and/or regional conference?  Have you ever thought about attending a different state or regional conference?  Here are UMACRAO’s (Upper Midwest ACRAO) (Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and northwestern Ontario) top three reasons that we enjoy our annual conference:

  1. Professional and personal development – wide array of sole and panel presentations on the topics of FERPA (aren’t those our favorite?), veterans, admissions, financial aid, academic records, course scheduling and the list goes on.
  2. Networking – it is a great opportunity to meet professionals from other institutions as well as vendors from various companies from whom we purchase products.
  3. Roundtable sessions – open, frank discussions about hot topics, great exchange of ideas, best practices, and potential collaboration which help support not only the various state and regional organizations but also AACRAO.

And who doesn’t enjoy traveling to various Midwest cities?!

UMACRAO would like to extend an invitation to all members of any State or Regional ACRAO to attend our regional conference November 4th – 6th, 2015, at the Courtyard by Marriott in Moorhead MN.  Come “Connect, Learn, Grow” with us. 

Before our 2014 conference, the UMACRAO executive committee had discussions about how our organization can support our colleagues from our region as well as outside our region.  We recognized that, given our central location, there are institutions that border our multi-state region that have a lot in common with UMACRAO institutions.  The outcome of those discussions was to allow members of other State and Regional ACRAO organizations to attend our conference at the Member rate rather than the full Non-Member rate.  We had “members” from two bordering states attend last year’s conference (one is returning as a presenter this year) and hope to have more this and future years!  As a member of another state or regional ACRAO organization (sorry, AACRAO only members do not count), you will pay the member rate ($325) for registration!  Registration will open September 8, 2015.  Late registration fees ($400) will go into effect on October 10th.  Please watch our website for information: www.umacrao.com.

We are excited about this year’s conference – Andy Masters, MA, CSP, award winning author and international speaker, will be our closing presenter.  The closing session will be based on his book “Things LEADERS Say: A Daily Guide to Help Every Leader Empower & Inspire”.  What a great way to end our “Connect, Learn, Grow” conference!


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