Travel as Professional Development: The Baden-W├╝rttemberg Seminar
Aug 23, 2013, 21:34 PM
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The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) funds a yearly seminar for North American higher education administrators. Study abroad officers, international student advisers, admissions officers and others with responsibility for post-secondary level exchanges are invited to apply. The seminar takes place each year in the fall, and typically lasts for about a week.
Begun 25 years ago, the “B-W Seminar” is hosted by different universities in the state of Baden-Württemberg on a rotating basis. The seminar focuses on the German educational system, German-American academic equivalencies and student exchange between Germany and the U.S. Lectures and discussions are complemented by visits to primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions in the state of Baden-Württemberg.
Application information goes up on AACRAO’s and NAFSA’s web sites early in the year, with applications due in the spring. A selection committee comprised of AACRAO and NAFSA members, as well as a colleague from Baden-Württemberg, chooses 12-18 participants (the number of participants varies with the location of the seminar). The committee’s goal is to build a group that represents the geographic, educational and professional diversity of AACRAO and NAFSA, and includes each of the following:
• An experienced admissions officer, knowledgeable about German education
• An experienced foreign student adviser
• An experienced study abroad adviser
• A member that comes from an institution where there is an active interest in educational exchange and potential for further development.
• A member that has professional responsibilities directly related to international educational exchange.
Of course, attendees do not have to "Deutsch sprechen koennen" (be able to speak German).
All skill levels are encouraged to apply, although generally preference has been given to those who have already been in the field for several years. For more information, please visit or email LesLee Clauson Eicher.
N.B. This year’s B-W Seminar will take place in Tübingen November 9-16. The deadline for applications is May 24. Please visit to apply.
AACRAO Connect
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- AACRAO Connect
- International Education