AACRAO EDGE: Convenient, accurate resource on foreign education systems
May 19, 2020, 11:01 AM
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The database is getting an overhaul. Learn about the new features.
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Comparing international education systems for placement and admissions is challenging. It requires excellent research and analytical skills and consistent thought and application of policy and practice. International admissions officers and credential evaluators use a variety of resources to make decisions--some print, some digital.
Now that we are all working from home, a convenient and comprehensive source of information to research foreign education systems that is accessible from anywhere is more important than ever. For many international admissions and institution-based evaluators, many of their reference bookshelves remain in the office out of reach. AACRAO EDGE has the solution, and that solution is getting even better. Join the email list for EDGE updates.
The definitive source for foreign education information and credential advice for more than 15 years, the AACRAO EDGE database is getting an upgrade. With a planned launch in the next 30 days, AACRAO EDGE has had a complete overhaul. New features include:
user-friendly and responsive platform,
intuitive search, user bookmarks,
country update and emergent international education news notifications
Later this year will see country ladder updates, an enhanced glossary and a timeline for future product development.
To get a sneak peek at the new and improved EDGE database, join the AACRAO EDGE team on Friday June 5th for an overview of the new features, a summary of upcoming content updates and timeline for the release of the new platform and features.
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- International
- International Admissions
- International Admissions and Credential Evaluation
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