S2E9 - You Need You: Self-Care

March 26, 2024
  • Access and Equity
  • diversity equity and inclusion
  • podcast
  • Self-Care
Listen Now - You Need You: Self-Care

The HEARD ladies return from their pod hiatus to talk about the importance of self-care with Tiffani Robertson, Associate Director of Enrollment Management at Governors State University and Dr. Connie S. Newsome, Director of Registrar Services at Campbell University School of Law. Tiffani and Connie talk about how "pouring into yourself" and "beneficial selfishness" are essential to having the capacity to show up in service to others, as well as their upcoming AACRAO workshop on self-care for higher education professionals. You need you just as much as anyone else does, so take a moment to reconnect with HEARD and this critical topic. A note of awareness: We talk about some difficult topics in this episode, including the loss of a parent. Listen with care for you. 

If you’d like to highlight some good work, send us an email at  heard@aacrao.org so we can feature it on a future pod. 

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