S2E5 - The Supreme Court and What’s Next w. AACRAO Executive Director Melanie Gottlieb

July 26, 2023
  • Access and Equity
  • admissions and recruitment
  • diversity equity and inclusion
  • podcast
  • Race
  • race-conscious
  • SFFA v Harvard/UNC
  • supreme court
Listen Now - The Supreme Court and What’s Next w. AACRAO Executive Director Melanie Gottlieb)

Tashana, Portia, and Ingrid pause their summer book club series to sit down with AACRAO Executive Director Melanie Gottlieb to walk through the recent Supreme Court ruling in Students for Fair Admissions Inc. v. President & Fellows of Harvard College and its impact on race-conscious admissions. Melanie walks through a summary of the decision’s impact and what is still unclear; its likely impact on the holistic review process; and how AACRAO is moving forward with supporting the community.

If you’d like to highlight some good work, send us an email at  heard@aacrao.org so we can feature it on a future pod. 

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