National Giving Tuesday: Help AACRAO build a stronger higher ed community

November 28, 2017
  • News & Announcements

According to surveys, the top reason that AACRAO members cannot get the professional development they deserve is a lack of institutional financial support. As budgets tighten and the supply to encourage career and institutional development diminishes, AACRAO wants to step in and keep the tools for success available to all.

AACRAO believes we have a professional obligation to build a vibrant, diverse community of leaders in academic and enrollment services. Your donation can help provide career development and research support to deserving academic, international and enrollment professionals. Please support this important work with your tax-deductible contribution.

You can choose to support one of two AACRAO Funds:

The Gloria R. Nathanson Fund for Research in International Education will support country or education system research conducted by AACRAO members in order to further the body of knowledge in the field of comparative international education and credential evaluation.

The Conner Scholarship Fund provides support for AACRAO members to participate in the AACRAO Annual Meeting.

Thank for supporting our vision of developing the professionals in academic and enrollment services in the global higher education community!

For more information, visit our donation page or send an email to the Connect editor.

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