Wayne Banks

headshot of wayne banks

Registrar, Southern Arkansas University Tech (Retired)

Wayne is an advocate for continuous learning, leadership, and higher education in general. He worked in the registrar’s office at Southern Arkansas University Tech for almost 27 years, including over 21 years as registrar. During this tenure at Tech, Banks had the opportunity to work in several leadership positions in different associations…including AACRAO. He was elected President of the Arkansas Association (ArkACRAO) and also served on their executive committee as VP for registration and SACRAO Representative. With the regional association, SACRAO, Banks was a part of their executive committee for three terms and also served as committee chair for their RTRM and information technology committees. In addition, he served as chair-elect/chair of both the AACRAO and SACRAO Nomination and Election committees in 2015-2016, 2016-17.

While retired from Southern Arkansas Tech University in 2021, he been an active participant with the state, regional, and national associations (ArkACRAO, SACRAO, and AACRAO). Currently, Banks still attends their conferences and gracefully helps with tasks when asked upon. He is currently on the AACRAO New Member Engagement Committee, along with being a member of the Black Caucus. He received Honorary Membership and Distinguished Service awards from SACRAO and ArkACRAO in 2021 and 2022 and was presented with the Emerging Leader Award by AACRAO in 2017. Wayne feels that his continuous involvement and support of these associations has given him the opportunity to give back and share just a little valuable nugget from the wealth of knowledge and information he has received over the years.