Tiffany Robinson

headshot of Tiffany Robinson

Assistant Vice Provost/University Registrar, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Tiffany Robinson is an Assistant Vice Provost and University Registrar at The University of Texas at San Antonio.  She has served as University Registrar at three separate institutions and has 22 years of experience within the Registrar’s office. In her role at the University of Kansas she provides strategic leadership and partnership to assist with divisional strategic goal setting and establishing metrics associated with the Office of the University Registrar.

She has been an active member at the state (IACRAO, KACRAO, KACRAO) and regional (SACRAO) level by presenting and serving in leadership roles.  She served for three years on the AACRAO Board of Directors as the Vice President for Access and Equity and currently serves as the President of the AACRAO Board of Directors.