Stephanie Henning

Stephanie Henning

Registrar, Rollins College

Stephanie Henning is responsible for coordinating and leading registrar and student records work across the College of Liberal Arts, the Crummer Graduate School of Business, and the Hamilton Holt School at Rollins College.

Henning has 18 years of registrar experience at Grinnell College, Kalamazoo College, and most recently, Central College.

“Her broad range of experience with student record systems, federal reporting, student retention, planning, and leadership will enhance our ability to serve all of our students,” says Dr. Susan Singer, vice president of academic affairs and provost.

Henning’s work is informed by her extensive professional engagements, including serving on the faculty of the Registrar 101 training offered by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO).