Stanley Henderson


Stanley E. Henderson retired from the University of Michigan-Dearborn where he served as Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Life from 2005-2015.  In that role he provided leadership to campus enrollment efforts that resulted in nearly a 30% increase in freshman enrollment  as well as record growth of students of color and international students while increasing quality indices. He was also instrumental in developing a public-private partnership for student housing. 

He served as associate provost for enrollment management at the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign from 2003-2005 and as associate vice president for enrollment management at the University of Cincinnati from 1995 to 2003.  Previously, he was director of enrollment management and admissions at Western Michigan University and director of admissions at Wichita State University.  His roots in enrollment began as an admissions counselor at Michigan State University in 1970-1971.

Henderson has long been a national leader in developing new models for universities to better recruit and retain students.  At the University of Michigan-Dearborn his work resulted in the integration of 10 student service offices around common student success goals and championed a spirit of community to grow student engagement to new levels.  His leadership in designing an enrollment facility at the University of Cincinnati helped to create a widely studied model of One-Stop service and integrated recruitment and retention delivery.  He was known on his campuses as a collaborator with faculty and Honors Programs for the recruitment of scholarship level students.

He also has been deeply involved at the national level of AACRAO, where he served as the association’s first vice president for enrollment management in 1991-93 and as president in 1995-96.  He was a founder of the Association’s national SEM Conference, now in its 30th year.  He is a frequent contributor to AACRAO publications, including the first history of enrollment management, as well as a frequent presenter at state, regional, and national levels.  He is also a recipient of the Distinguished Service Award and the Founders Award for Leadership.  AACRAO has presented Henderson a Lifetime Achievement Award for “Outstanding Leadership in the SEM Profession” and awarded him Honorary Membership in 2015.

Henderson continues to serve the association as a senior consultant for AACRAO Consulting.   His approach is one of “coaching” faculty and staff to develop data-informed enrollment goals and strategies that best fit their campuses rather than prescribing templates.  He is recognized for reading the culture of campuses and building institution buy-in to the planning process.  His expertise includes SEM assessment, SEM planning, student success, graduate enrollment management, leadership coaching, enrollment and student affairs collaboration, and building student engagement.