Paul Kyle

photo of Paul Kyle in a grey suit standing at a podium

Dean of Student Services and Success, Johnson County Community College

From the beginning of my career, I recognized the importance of being involved in professional organizations. I understood that involvement on the state level would help me develop the knowledge and experience I would need to serve Kansas students and parents. Participation in KACRAO guided me to understand the value of professional and organizational relationships. Starting as a committee member, I learned from a wealth of wonderful professionals, who were wiser than I was. Eventually, as time and experience permitted and with encouragement from other professionals, it was time to step up and take on the role of committee chair. Eventually, I was blessed to become the VP for Admissions, the VP, the President (1995-1996) and the Past President of KACRAO. Being chosen as the recipient of the Laura Cross Distinguished Service Award (2003) was an honor and surprise. My KACRAO highlights include cherished times laughing and crying with the wonderful and caring professionals who make up the KACRAO family.

During this time, I was encouraged and, frankly, "voluntold" to become active with AACRAO as a committee member and to present sessions at the AACRAO Annual Meetings. Volunteering as the chair of the AACRAO Conference Evaluation Committee for five years (nobody else wanted the job) prepared me for roles as Committee Chair, Program Chair and for the opportunity to serve on the AACRAO Board of Directors as the VP for Leadership and Management Development. Once again, I was blessed to be selected as Vice President, President and Past President (2015-2018) of AACRAO. In 2012, I was humbled to receive the AACRAO Distinguished Service Award. It has been an honor to serve alongside so many wonderful professionals across the country. I have been truly blessed to meet hundreds of people who are passionate about serving their families, students and their institutions, with care, loyalty and compassion.

My dream career would not have been possible without the grace, mercy and strength from my Lord Jesus Christ. I have also been blessed with my wonderful wife, Sheryl, and my four children who have supported me as I have tried to faithfully and passionately serve college students in the state of Kansas.