Kristi Wold-McCormick

headshot of Kristi Wold-McCormick

Assistant Vice Provost & University Registrar, University of Colorado Boulder

Kristi Wold-McCormick currently serves as Assistant Vice Provost and University Registrar of the University of Colorado Boulder. In her leadership role, she focuses on student data privacy, business process improvement, academic policy, inclusion initiatives, and academic record and enrollment innovation.

Kristi served as Vice President for Records and Academic Services. She has also served on both the Program and Nominations & Elections committees, and recently chaired an AACRAO committee that developed guidance on disciplinary transcript notations.

Prior to joining CU Boulder, Kristi was registrar of North Dakota State University. She also has held various positions in admissions and enrollment management. Kristi earned a bachelor’s and master’s degrees from NDSU and a Ph.D. from the University of North Dakota.

AACRAO Role: President - Board of Directors