Joellen Shendy

headshot of Joellen Shendy

Senior Product Strategy Director at Workday

Joellen Shendy has worked in higher education for over 30 years, developing unique expertise in the areas of credential innovation, competency-based education, online education, transfer and non-traditional students. A former Associate Vice Provost & Registrar, Ms. Shendy has written articles and blogs on the future of education and credential innovations as well as comprehensive learning records with AACRAO, 1EdTech, Educause, and Parchment among others and she was a founding member of CAPACRAO (Chesapeake and Potomac Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers). Currently a Senior Product Strategy Director for Workday Student, she works to envision and build the student system of the future – putting students at the center. She lives in Port Hueneme, CA and you can often find her running, reading, or playing video and board games.