Jackie Arnold

headshot of Jackie Arnold

Director of Strategic Relationships, Saylor Academy

Jacqueline Arnold is the Director of Strategic Relationships and Communications for Saylor Academy.
Jacqueline oversees partner outreach, Saylor’s B2B relationship building activities including an annual
Summit and Saylor’s new Webinar series. Ms. Arnold has experience in various nonprofit and higher
education settings She has spoken about access to education as well as pathways for adult students before
various audiences, including the Maryland Chapter of the NAACP, the Washington International Education
Conference, the Saylor “Closing the Global Skills Gap Summit” and as a co-panelist an upcoming webinar
for the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers. Saylor Academy is a
nonprofit initiative that provides free online courses in career skills and higher education to learners
worldwide. Saylor Academy’s courses are recommended for college credit via the American Council on


Ms. Arnold is a B.S. Marketing candidate at Southern New Hampshire University. As there are over 36
million adults with some college, and no degree, she hopes her experience as a returning learner will inspire


Selected writings:
Arnold, Jacqueline; Cini, Marie A.; Singer, Mark.“ A common language for college credit”. The EvoLLLution.
19 March 2019 https://evolllution.com/programming/credentials/a-common-language-for-college-credit/