Brenda Schumann, Ph.D.

headshot of Brenda Schumann

Assistant Vice Provost for Enrollment Services and University Registrar



2020 SEM-EP Graduate

Brenda Schumann has over twenty years of experience in higher education and the enrollment management profession.  She currently serves as the Assistant Vice Provost for Enrollment Services and University Registrar at the University of Texas at Austin and previously served as the Deputy University Registrar and Director of Operations and Compliance at UT Austin and Director of Registration and Records (Registrar) and Assistant Director of Admissions at Texas Lutheran University.  Brenda’s professional experience includes all aspects of the enrollment management portfolio -- registrar, admissions, and financial aid – which  allows her to apply her knowledge and skills in support of students and the University community.  Brenda maintains active participation and membership in AACRAO, SACRAO, and TACRAO and presents frequently at various conferences on succession planning, leadership, learning organizations, enrollment management, competency based-hiring and evaluations, strategic planning, and project management. She participated in the AACRAO Baden-Wurttemburg seminar in 2017; is currently serving as an AACRAO content contributor; served on the local arrangements committee for SACRAO 2013 and chair of the SACRAO information technology program committee in 2015-2016; and served as local arrangements committee chair for TACRAO 2016 and TACRAO Secretary 2017-2019. 

Capstone Project: The capstone literature review focused on an outcomes-based approach to achieve results in supporting students for success.  The literature review applies an outcomes based approach to the development and assessment of a Strategic Enrollment Management unit within an institution, in developing programming and support to assist in student persistence, and in developing an outcomes based approach for the changing role of the Registrar in the support of new teaching models, student mobility, learning outcomes, and academic credit and calendars.

Review of: Rethinking College Admissions: Research-Based Practice and Policy