Records & Academic Services Webinars

The State of Academic Operations & Student Success

September 29, 2022

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Free Webinar | 2:00-3:00 pm ET

How do institutions run their academic processes, such as managing curriculum changes, publishing the course catalog, and projecting academic program demand? How do inefficiencies in these processes impact students? Learn how other institutions tackle these issues based on results from two of AACRAO's recent surveys. Coursedog CEO Justin Wenig and AACRAO Director of Research, Dr. Wendy Kilgore, will walk participants through the survey results and key trends uncovered. 


Interested in delving deeper into the research? View AACRAO's related resources:

This webinar and the research were made possible due to the partnership with


headshot of  Dr. Wendy Kilgore

Dr. Wendy Kilgore

Senior Director of Research, AACRAO

Portrait of Coursedog CEO Justin Wenig

Justin Wenig

CEO & Co-Founder, Coursedog