Records & Academic Services Webinars

Two Perspectives on Prior Learning Assessment and Student Success

July 15, 2020

Free Webinar | 2:00-3:00 pm EDT

Policies and practices related to recognition of learning, like prior learning assessment (PLA), have the potential to create more efficient pathways for mobility, reduce gaps in quality and in equity attainment, and increase student success and credential completion - especially for adults.  With funding from Lumina Foundation and Strada Education Network, the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), along with several national partners including AACRAO, has conducted a landscape analysis over the last year to help policymakers, practitioners, and others understand where PLA has been, where the field is now, and where it is headed in the future and the ways in which policymakers and practitioners can work together to better support student success.  

Join Wendy Kilgore, Ph.D., Director of Research at AACRAO and Sarah Leibrandt, Ph.D, Senior Research Analyst at Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education as they present their research as well as high-level findings from the landscape analysis including promising strategies, policy and practice barriers, and exemplary ideas that can be scaled.

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headshot of  Dr. Wendy Kilgore

Dr. Wendy Kilgore

Senior Director of Research, AACRAO


headshot of Sarah Leibrandt

Sarah Leibrandt Ph.D.

Senior Research Analyst, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education