Faculty Application


Complete the form below for consideration as new faculty for online and in-person courses. Although primary qualifications are knowledge of the profession and availability, please include any skill or experience relevant to the position.

All are welcome to apply
Contact Information
AACRAO Involvment

Resize the submission box by dragging the bottom, right corner.

Are you interested in teaching in-person or online? You may check both if you are flexible

Are you generally able to attend the AACRAO Annual Meeting? Your answer will not affect consideration of your application, but is helpful for budgeting reasons.

Resize the submission box by dragging the bottom, right corner.

Personal Statement

pdf preferred

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Application Review Committee

  • Vice President with Corresponding Portfolio
  • Faculty coordinators
  • AACRAO Management

Compensation & Time Commitment

Those selected receive a small honorarium per course section taught.

In-person workshops
The time commitment is generally two days per workshop offered, with teaching split between one to four individuals.

Online workshops
The time commitment is generally one week, with each course section handled either with one or two faculty.