
How can we better serve our veterans in pursuing their higher education?

This question should be of the utmost concern for any government or higher-education institution. Agencies and institutions should continually look for and act upon ways to improve and streamline systems for veterans. One such initiative is to increase direct, personal assistance with veterans’ academic and personal needs by School Certifying Officials (SCOs).


Veterans Compliance Reporting Re-Engineering Project

The Veterans Compliance Reporting Re-Engineering Project addresses the need to convert today’s manual and labor-intensive veterans compliance reporting process into a streamlined solution that enables data to be submitted by educational institutions directly into the VA-ONCE and VACERT systems operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

Project Goals

  1. Increase direct assistance to veterans and reduce staff time spent on data processing
  2. Improve timeliness of eligibility and benefits to veterans through streamlining data processes
  3. Improve data available to veterans for more informed decision-making
  4. Assist with compliance for new statutes and regulations