The AACRAO Annual Meeting is an opportunity to learn, network, and advance higher education. Professionals from a variety of higher education disciplines gather together at AACRAO's Annual Meeting to engage and discuss the ever-changing landscape of higher ed.
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Guidance on the Review of the Comprehensive Learner Records (CLR) Standard from IMS Global
CAS Standards for Registrar Services
Student Identity
Transcript Disciplinary Notations: Guidance to AACRAO Members
However, the legislation still allows schools to withhold transcripts in certain cases, such as the student wanting to transfer or apply to another institution.
The passage of these bills continues a notably busy year for state privacy legislation.
Learn about two categories of services that influence student satisfaction and loyalty.
See how one institution utilized cross-campus collaboration to ensure success for its SEM planning and development.
Download the latest report from the Alternative Credentials Workgroup featuring guidance, best practices, and considerations.
Learn how Scribbles Software enables institutions to utilize blockchain for electronic student records and transcripts.
Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR) Phase II Report is out now and available for download.
The Comprehensive Learner Record doesn't just verify student learning - it can prepare them for the workforce too.
Benefits of Micro-credentialing for institutions, learners, and employers.
Understanding Prior Learning Assessment and Competency Based Education in Higher Learning Institutions.
Recommendations for name changes, disciplinary action notations, and transcription of nontraditional work.
Join the free virtual event: January 26 and 27.
Helping universities deliver bilingual digitized and portable transcripts and credentials.
Are faculty virtual open office hours a violation of FERPA?
A resource for referencing norms and benchmarks.
Get clarification with webinars with the Department of Education and NC-SARA.
6 important roles and recommendations to protect and defend higher ed.
Over the past five years more than 1,200 higher education institutions have closed, displacing nearly half a million students.
Building a narrative helps people understand and engage complex issues.
Addressing staffing and structural questions to meet changing demands.
Has your institution done its part to assist the U.S. Census Bureau in the collection and distribution of student information?
Start with a "living inventory" and establish clear utilization priorities.
Expect more from your system.
An open monthly forum for institutional leaders to discuss and get advice on implementing a comprehensive learner record.
Video-recording students to prevent cheating: an education record?
Getting the fundamentals down.
With fall in flux, learn how to handle academic and course calendar changes and communication challenges.
A primer on the ten (million) roles of a registrar.
Collaboration, multiculturalism, and more. An interview with Mary Callahan.
4 institutions address decision-making around instructional delivery for fall.
COVID-19 is accelerating shift to electronic transcripts. Learn more and join this Friday's webinar.
Guidance from the updated Academic Record and Transcript Guide.
AACRAO Coffee Breaks are webinars held weekly, Fridays at 2 PM (ET).
There will be no 'return to normal' after this. Could that be good for higher ed?
Survey results of college and university registrars in the face of COVID-19, and a request for more information.
Generation Z is socially conscious. Higher ed has a responsibility to respond.
Registrars are located at many intersections, positioning them to make a major contribution.
Increase student persistence with streamlined planning & registration.
5 pillars of excellent leadership, regardless of your status or style.
This 2019 revision of the Registrar Services standards is the the first in over a decade.
AACRAO and CollegeSource partner on Campus Policy Repository.
Keeping up with the technification of student services.
Whether a state initiative or a grassroots initiative, EDX is coming.
Webinar: Discover student-centric approaches to CLRs, like creating a clearer path to degree.
Valuable insight into resource allocation and communicating with leadership to make the most of a tight budget.
Structural barriers can slow down or even halt degree progression. Registrars have a crucial role to play.
Welcoming proposals on credential evaluation and recognition, SIS development, and more.
When the Registrar and Institutional Research cooperate, the sky’s the limit.
If you could answer any question, what would you ask?
Whether it’s a campus shooting or a natural disaster, effective communication can literally mean life or death.
Online data reports (a.k.a. “fact books”) can provide insight and visualizations across campus/es for analysis and research.
The value of a different perspective.
Implementing a new SIS helped one university identify and break down silos.
While the Office of the Registrar might have the responsibility of certifying Athletic Eligibility, it is a collaborative effort that campus partners share.
FERPA is "technology-neutral" so long as disclosures are FERPA-compliant. What are some best practices?
Registration is open for the conference, which is focused on "Constructing the Global Digital Credentialing Ecosystem."
A conversation on why a national LRI is critical for supporting higher education today and in the future.
Registrar 201 now uses a case study and discussion method based on “Ted Talks."
How the role evolved alongside the student record. Plus, what the Violent Femmes have to say about it.
A question about date of birth as directory information.
In addition to revising the standards and possibly aligning them more closely to AACRAO’s Core Competencies and Proficiencies, the Committee will be updating the Contextual Statement for Registrar Programs and Services.
The case for adoption that even non-technical staff can understand.
The task force spans will serve as an information clearinghouse for the education community, focused on technical implementation of rules and regulations such as GDPR.
4 common violations to watch out for.
The National Student Clearinghouse 2018 report on transfer and mobility examines transfer pathways and enrollment patterns, including analysis by race and ethnicity.
4 guidelines for registrars
Can student ID be part of directory information?
Academically defensible strategies for admitting students without normal documentation.
Leveraging data and analytics, GSU now awards more bachelor’s degrees to African Americans than any other college in the nation.
AACRAO On The Road's rogue REG101 cohort makes up their own verbs.
Application deadline December 1st.
Cost-benefit analysis of paper and electronic transcripts.
Creating socially shareable artifacts that students can use to promote themselves, with an added benefit of raising the university profile on social platforms like LinkedIn.
The registrar has a critical role in academic policy writing.
Challenges and solutions to creating better records from multiple data sources.
The self-initiated academic planning and advising tool includes a schedule builder, sample plans, an off-track alert system and "what if" scenarios.
How registrars reduced their workload and increased transparency and compliance using free tech tools.
"Technology can turn the registrar into an invisible entity on campus Will the registrar disappear?”
These fancy technologies (semantic web, AI, and blockchain) will solve some of your institution’s problems, but bring problems of their own.
Making a Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Strategic Plan that the whole office can rally behind.
Program and service assessment is part of our world. Here are 11 ways to do it better.
Top issues ahead of the May 25th implementation of Europe's new privacy regulation.
Negotiating the what, how, and why of one of your institution’s most valuable assets.
The new format used case studies and discussion to analyze actual situations in which records and registration professionals find themselves.
A guide to assessing and building proficiency through mentorship, training, and promotion.
Identifying at-risk students in online courses.
The popular workshop now uses case analysis and TED Talks-style presentations.
How major technological and social shifts are fundamentally changing the registrar profession.
How registrars can advocate for equitable policy for all students.
Don't burn out: unplug, connect with colleagues, and work in your strength.
Realize your potential in 2018.
10 tips to move from posturing to praxis
Who does what? The importance of policy documentation
Defining the indefinable role.
A pilot project to
Call for volunteers for the Student Identity Work Group.
Missteps, action and progress.
Stanford explores the benefits of digital credentials.
There's an app for that.
Employee security is crucial to protecting student records.
Context, best practices and resources.
If only there was an easy answer.
A document management system can improve your business process--if you use it right.