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Criminal and Disciplinary History in College Admissions

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Criminal and Disciplinary History in College Admissions Report

Established in 2018, the AACRAO Board of Directors established a work group charged with developing guidance and best practices concerning the use of student criminal history in the college admissions process. The work group reviewed the Transcript and Disciplinary Notations Guide to develop guidance and best practices related to the receipt of student transcripts with disciplinary notations or other notifications of disciplinary infractions at previous institutions.
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This report includes:
  • a set of recommendations for the use of the disciplinary notations in the admission process.
  • a set of recommendations regarding criminal history questions in the admissions application. These include the placement of questions and the timing of collection of this information (prior to or after admission).
  • a set of recommendations for review by the AACRAO Board for presentation to membership for feedback and implementation.