Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals is open.
The deadline for proposal submissions is September 16, 2024. 

Submit a Proposal

AACRAO is a leading authority on student admissions, academic records, international education, and enrollment management. We invite content experts to share ideas, best practices, and solutions that are helping to shape the future of higher education.

Presentation Formats
Submit a pre-conference workshop, breakout session, roundtable, panel, stop & share topic for consideration. Panel discussions, hands-on sessions, and case studies, as well as subject matter that supports the AACRAO Professional Competencies & Proficiencies, will be given additional consideration.  

Breakout Sessions:

  • 50 or 75-minute presentations given by one or more co-presenters
  • Slide and/or video content is expected throughout the presentation
  • Interaction with the audience is encouraged
  • Presenters are encouraged to end breakout sessions with time for Q&A
  • AV includes a podium microphone, a projector and screen, and for larger sessions, a microphone for questions from the audience. 


  • 50 or 75-minute presentations given by two or more co-presenters
  • Slide and/or video content is expected throughout the presentation
  • Differing viewpoints or experiences are encouraged from panel members
  • Presenters are encouraged to end breakout sessions with time for Q&A
  • AV includes a panelist table with one table microphone to share, a projector and screen, and for larger sessions, a microphone for questions from the audience


  • 50 or 75-minute discussions led by one or more co-presenters
  • Slide and/or video content are often included as visual prompt "talking points" for the discussion
  • Roundtables do not follow a “standard lecture format”; they are interactive and involve sharing from the audience throughout the session
  • Note: most session rooms are set with only chairs to accommodate as many attendees as possible; round tables in the room are not guaranteed
  • AV includes a podium microphone, a projector and screen, and for larger sessions, a microphone for questions from the audience

Pre-Conference Workshops:

  • Half to full-day courses led by experts in critical content areas of the field
  • Courses range from basic skills and knowledge in registrar, admissions, recruiting, and enrollment functions to courses that help participants build on their work experience to advance in their careers
  • Registration for most pre-conference workshops requires an additional fee for attendees and is usually separate from registration for the full conference
  • Pre-Conference Workshops take place before the Annual Meeting begins
  • AV includes a podium microphone, a projector and screen, and for larger sessions, a microphone for questions from the audience

Corporate Sessions:

  • Any session with a presenter or co-presenter representing a company or organization that sells products or services to AACRAO membership may be classified as a "Corporate Session"
  • Additional fees apply for Corporate Sessions
  • Session slots are limited; participation is on a first-come-first-served basis
  • Questions? For additional information, please contact

Submit a Proposal


Other Inquiries: 

Become an AACRAO member:

Guidelines for Submission

AACRAO’s Annual Meeting highlights the scope and breadth of our members' professional responsibilities across all institution types. To ensure presentations are of the highest quality and are applicable to a broad audience, proposals should: 

  • be general
  • present multiple viewpoints
  • represent multiple institutions and institution types (two-year, four year, public, private, etc.)
  • draw from theory
  • be grounded in research
  • focus on trending and 'hot topics'
  • demonstrate practical applications to the profession
  • include assessment or trend data as appropriate
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Suggested Topics

  • Recruiting underrepresented populations
  • Admission’s role in the academic enterprises
  • Professional development, sustainability, and core values
  • State of the economy and the impact on higher education
  • Regulatory issues: accountability, disclosure, compliance
  • Retaining and graduating students
  • Business processes and design/redesign
  • Planning, assessment, benchmarking/performance measures
  • Institution-wide enrollment management
  • Classroom scheduling and optimization
  • microcredentials/badging
  • Serving distinct and/or non-traditional populations (ie, veterans, LGBTQ+ students, native populations, students with disabilities)
  • Financial aid – what staff and faculty need to know
  • Immigration issues
  • Student transfer trends
  • Identifying and working with at-risk students
  • Access and affordability
  • New international trends
  • Transforming data into information
  • Building relationships with and managing expectations of students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, etc.
  • Relationships with state, federal, and accrediting agencies

Corporate Presentations

Sessions are considered corporate presentations when the subject matter promotes a company’s product or if the presenter(s) are employed by an organization offering goods and services to higher education institutions. Sessions submitted through the regular proposal form will be reviewed for appropriate content and may be reclassified as a corporate presentation, which would dictate a presentation fee. For information on corporate presentations and fees, email AACRAO’s Department of Corporate Partnerships.

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