At the Intersection of Learning, Employment, and Innovative Credentials: The Potential Roles of IR/IE

July 17, 2024

Our traditional view of higher education must evolve to best serve our students. Today’s job market demands targeted skills that are highly valued but are changing rapidly. Our programs must therefore be flexible and accessible, not only for current students but also for alumni who need to update their skills.  Institutions can meet this need by offering smaller learning experiences that are closely aligned with industry requirements. These micro-credential programs help fill skills gaps, ensuring the curriculum remains relevant and responsive to market demands.  Students gain practical, up-to-date skills that enhance their employability, while the institution can tap into new revenue streams by attracting a more diverse student population. 

We begin this two-part webinar series with an in-depth discussion on the various types of innovative credentials that are emerging as enhancements to traditional transcripts. We will showcase real-world examples of how these credentials are being implemented on campuses.  In addition, we will introduce the “Accelerator Initiative,” a grant-funded program supported by a coalition of national associations, including AACRAO, ACE, and AIR. This initiative aims to accelerate the adoption of Learning and Employment Records (LERs), Micro-credentials (MCs), and other skill-centered records in post-secondary education. 




Dr. Mike Simmons

Associate Executive Director, Business Development & Strategic Partnerships, AACRAO

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