Managing the Admissions Office is an interactive, online course for people who are either currently in admissions management or who have been in the profession for at least two years and want to move into management. From the convenience of your
home via Internet at any hour, you can connect with AACRAO faculty and with your colleagues on the following issues:
- Making the Transition to Management
- Building and Retaining Your Office Team
- Best Practices in Recruiting
- Operations and Processing
- Q&A Open Forum to address specific concerns of participants
Facilitated by experienced members of the profession, participants compare notes on a wide range of topics of common interest and create a helpful network of colleagues at other institutions.
Participants should devote six to eight hours each of the four weeks the course is in session. Course work includes reading and online course activities at hours convenient to their individual schedules. AACRAO awards a Professional Development
Certificate to participants who successfully complete all modules of the course.
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