Free Webinar | 2:00-3:00 pm ET
Higher education shows its resiliency and success in digital transformation strategies linked to supporting innovative designs in curriculum and delivery models aimed at providing value to students. In a 2021 Association of American Colleges and Universities
(AAC&U) workforce analysis report, a diverse set of employers share their views on workforce preparedness and the outcomes, skills and experiences they value most in recruiting their team members for jobs (Finley, 2021). This analysis serves as
a reminder to higher education that students need to translate their learning from one setting to another in order to support specific workforce needs and responsibilities.
Comprehensive Learner Record, a dynamic, verified record of student achievements across curricular, co-curricular and experiential learning activities, provides evidence of student learning in real-time, giving institutional administrators,
student advisors, employers and students a window into student learning. This session will focus on how higher education institutions across the country are answering the call for digital transformation, providing programming for adult learners, leading
to badging and CLR for recognition of skills and portability for sharing with employers.