Unveiling the First Higher Education Institutional Policy Database

December 2, 2020

Free Webinar | 2:00-3:00 pm ET

AACRAO members have consistently requested a clearinghouse of institutional policies as a means to support policy development and institutional benchmarking. CollegeSource has extensive experience in professionally gathering, collecting, cleansing and organizing college course catalogs, and has agreed to spearhead the project and development of a policy database and web portal set to launch soon. Access to the portal is a complimentary benefit for AACRAO members. Join us to see the first live demonstration of the portal and ask questions. 



Melanie Gottlieb

Melanie Gottlieb

Executive Director, AACRAO


headshot of Dr. Troy Holaday

Dr. Troy Holaday

President of CollegeSource and visionary for the Transfer Evaluation System

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