It's Complicated. Leading Performance with Compassion in a Remote Environment

October 22, 2020

Free Webinar | 2:00-3:00 pm EDT

As leaders, we are being asked to manage our teams in an environment we have never before experienced. It's a perfect storm that encompasses the COVID-19 pandemic, a highly polarizing election, rising activities around social justice issues, changes that require us to completely rethink and reinvent the work that we do to serve our students and our institutions -and many of us are doing it at least in part, remotely. Learning to balance these demands with the need to maintain (or increase) performance levels for the sake of our institutions and our students without jeopardizing our own health and sanity seems a daunting task. Join Dr Monique Perry-Graves to talk about how we lead ourselves, our teams and our institutions through this uncharted territory.

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Melanie Gottlieb

Melanie Gottlieb

Executive Director, AACRAO


headshot of Monique Perry

Dr. Monique Perry-Graves

AVP Enrollment Management & Campus Operating Officer, York Technical College

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